Sunday, February 20, 2011

Sentimental Sappy Sinner

"The fruit of carnal pleasure is bitterness and sadness. The fruit of obedience and sacrifice is sweetness and everlasting joy." Jairo Mazzagardi

Let me just spill myself out in this post

Lately I have not been reaching my full potential.
I make choices everyday that negatively affect my future.
Choices such as:
  • Drawing, instead of learning in class
  • Not honoring my parents like I should
  • Taking/"borrowing" things with out asking
  • Skipping scripture study and homework for art
  • Disregarding others feelings
The things I have listed have had horrible results on my life
  • Horrendous grade
  • MY mother coming to school with me
  • no trust
  • Many punishments that are all well deserved, like losing my music
  • Self animosity
the list goes on and on.
I have plunged myself into deep and scary waters and am struggling to keep my head up long enough to breath.

I don't tell myself in the morning that I am going to make bad choices today.
What usually happens is I meet up with a situation where I know I can make a black or white decision. I sit there and argue with myself for about five minutes and end up making the wrong choice.

In a restling match my wicked self is a buff Arnold Schwarzenegger and the side of that wants to do good is a weak little Urkel Winslow

I just barely read a talk on that describes my life perfectly.
If you are not a busy person I suggest you read it.
If you are a busy person, try and squeeze fifteen minutes from your schedule to read it.
It's called "avoiding the trap of sin"

Most of you are not sinners like me, but we could all do with a good general conference talk.
Making write descisions has been my struggle. I am hoping like most trials in our life, I can overcome it and grow to be a better person
-If you read this whole thing I salute you. Thank you for listening to this sentimental sappy sinner.