Thursday, December 29, 2011

B Squared

For Christmas Santa gave me a real surprise...

I asked for a banjo this year and nothing else.
But then I was told the harsh truth about how much good banjo's really cost.

so expectations were


But as I was awoken by my little sister on Christmas morning
I let out yelp

when I saw sitting in the corner, my very own


I also am trying out this new bang thing, not sure if I'm loving it though.
My end goal was to look like this woman....

Yeah, didn't happen

Wednesday, December 21, 2011

Sister Stone's Christmas

The story,

Four little girls, all under the age of ten, lost their father,

Four little girls Will see their father,
They are together forever.

A portrait of Sister Stones aunt's and her mother, drawn with her father standing in the background.

What a magical Christmas gift.
I wish I would've come up with it

Monday, December 19, 2011

Temple squay-ah (sound it out)

no matter how bad your photographing capabilities are
any picture of the Salt Lake temple is a great one

Our young women's annual freeze your butt off trip
to the lights on temple Square

aren't we gorgeous??