Saturday, November 6, 2010


I Finally watched "It's the Great Pumpkin Charlie Brown!" I cannot believe that this movie has not been part of past Halloween traditions!
Here are some great quotes. Enjoy.

(Lucy scoops out the innards of the pumpkin Linus brought)
Linus: (groans) You didn't tell me you were gonna kill it!

Linus: (to Sally as she walks away with everyone else) Hey, aren't you going to stay to greet the Great Pumpkin? Huh? It won't be long now. If the Great Pumpkin comes, I'll still put in a good word for you! [realizes what he just said] Good grief! I said "if"! I meant, "when" he comes! I'm doomed. One little slip like that could cause the Great Pumpkin to pass you by. Oh, Great Pumpkin, where are you?

Charlie Brown: I got a rock.

Charlie Brown: Hey! I got an invitation to a Halloween party!
Lucy: Is the invitation to Violet's party, Charlie Brown?
Charlie Brown: Yes. It's the first time I've been invited to a party.
Lucy: Charlie Brown, if you got an invitation, it was a mistake. There were two lists, one to invite, and one not to invite. You must have been put on the wrong list.
Linus: Each year, the Great Pumpkin rises out of the pumpkin patch that he thinks is the most sincere. He's gotta pick this one. He's got to. I don't see how a pumpkin patch can be more sincere than this one. You can look around and there's not a sign of hypocrisy. Nothing but sincerity as far as the eye can see.

Linus: He'll come here because I have the most sincere pumpkin patch and he respects sincerity.
Sally: Do you really think he will come?
Linus: Tonight the Great Pumpkin will rise out of the pumpkin patch. He flies through the air and brings toys to all the children of the world.
Sally: That's a good story.
Linus: You don't believe the story of the Great Pumpkin? I thought little girls always believed everything that was told to them. I thought little girls were innocent and trusting.
Sally: Welcome to the 20th century!

Sally: Do I get to go trick-or-treating this year, big brother?
Charlie Brown: Sure, Sally.
Sally: Oh boy, oh boy, oh boy! How do we do it?
Lucy: All you have to do is walk up to a house, ring the doorbell and say "Tricks or treats."
Sally: Are you sure it's legal?
Lucy: Of course it's legal.
Sally: I wouldn't want to be accused of taking part in a rumble.
Linus:Have you come to sing pumpkin carols?

Pigpen: (wearing a ghost costume, trailing dust) They'll never guess it's me under here.
Frieda: Hello, Pigpen. Glad you could make it.
Pigpen: How did you know it was me?

Linus: Never jump into a pile of leaves with a wet sucker.

Charlie Brown: Well, another Halloween has come and gone.
Linus: Yes, Charlie Brown.
Charlie Brown: I don't understand it. I went trick-or-treating and all I got was a bag full of rocks. I suppose you spent all night in the pumpkin patch. (Linus nods)
Charlie Brown: And the Great Pumpkin never showed up?
Linus: Nope.
Charlie Brown: Well, don't take it too hard, Linus. I've done a lot of stupid things in my life, too. Linus: STUPID? What do you mean "stupid"? Just wait 'til next year, Charlie Brown. You'll see! Next year at this same time, I'll find the pumpkin patch that is real sincere and I'll sit in that pumpkin patch until the Great Pumpkin appears. He'll rise out of that pumpkin patch and he'll fly through the air with his bag of toys. The Great Pumpkin will appear and I'll be waiting for him! I'll be there! I'll be sitting there in that pumpkin patch and I'll see the Great Pumpkin. Just wait and see, Charlie Brown. I'll see the Great Pumpkin. I'll SEE the Great Pumpkin! Just you wait, Charlie Brown. The Great Pumpkin will appear and I'll be waiting for him...
-Quotes from
So I was inspired and carved this...

It says, "be good for the great pumpkin"

This is it glowing proudly on Halloween night

Andrea's minion ghost

As is tradition, we all gathered around the table after trick or to barter and trade are goodies.

What a success!!!

Andrea, in her super cute and comfy pumpkin outfit, smiles and hovers over her loot.

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