Tuesday, August 23, 2011

Double Tasking

I am not a really good writer
but today I got my first homework assignment
and it was fun to wright and read so I am sharing it with

kudos to anyone who actually read's the whole thing

"Where I Stand"

I am lost in a sea of college students. My family has a grand total of seven children. The majority are attending universities, along with their spouses and other romantic figures. At age twelve I was already stressing about college tuition. On the weekends I sleep at my sisters apartment and am good friends with many of their friends. My mom is my hero. Not only did she raise seven children, but she has pushed herself to accomplish great things. The list of her accomplishments is extensive and could be expounded on for days. The most recent was running a marathon at age fifty-four with no history of athleticism. Another amazing piece to the puzzle called my family, is my niece and nephews. My sister, her husband, and their children our currently living with us. It makes our home noisy and chaotic, but I wouldn’t change it for the world. I revel in the screams and giggles, the jelly faces and sticky fingers, and the million hugs and kisses offered at every moment.

I like to get dressed up and curl my long fiery hair, go shopping with my sisters, eat muffins from Costco, make an awesome save with my goalie stick, flirt with guy lacrosse players, and dance when no one is looking, because if they were, they probably would go blind. I like the smell of laundry soap, bath and body works, and expensive men’s cologne. I am a music addict. I recently discovered that I like techno eighties music, but I have had a long time obsession with hipster and indie music. Listening to it transports me into another world. My favorite artist is “Mumford and Sons.” My passion is painting. I could sit for endless hours with a paint brush in my hand. Doing art makes the whole world disappear. It’s just me and the canvas. However, the best part is not the process, but when I take a step back and look at the finished product, and then showing it to others and see the pleasure it brings them.

I don’t care for bad attitudes, complainers, people who won’t talk to me, people who know me and don’t talk to me, people who yell at bad drivers inside of their car, (we’re not all perfect) , angry people in general, when people force their bad standards into images in my brain i.e. excessive usage of the f-word, jokes about sex, and public display of way to much affection. I don’t like mainstream club music, especially the lyrics. I find them highly unoriginal. The ones with phrases like, “dancing on the floor, put your hands up (or on my body), tonight, and party all over the world.”

I believe that this world was created by God, and that his hand is in our daily lives, I believe that families are the most important part of our life here on this earth. I also believe that dating in high school is a bad idea,(even though I secretly would really enjoy being in a relationship) and that boys are not ready to handle such a hot person as myself.

The colors that would best describe me would be orange, because of my hair, and earthy tones, because I love to get down and dirty and feel all natural. Baby blue because I am calm.

I am a fan of all things lacrosse. The culture (lacrosse “speak”), the people who play it, and the game. Looking at a stick makes my heart jump, seeing little boys playing catch, and hearing the words, “chill, bro, and sick”. I have seen baseball, football, soccer, basketball, and none of them are as intense or just plain fun to watch as much as Lacrosse.

If I could change anything about myself it would be my awkwardness. I have good and bad days, but my good days are people’s normal days, making my bad days HORRIBLE. I love to talk to people and have conversations, the problem is sometimes I am not very good at it. I tell long pointless stories and ask ridiculously stupid questions. I get especially weird and embarrassing when I am trying to impress someone, usually I end up looking like a blushing fool. I want to be outgoing without having to worry about what I say.

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